Where is your recycled yarn coming from, and what material is going into it?
Businesses that manufacture recycled yarns are validated by the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certification to show customers and consumers that they are committed to internationally recognized standards and practices for sustainability.
GRS certification was created to reduce the impact on people and the environment from the production of materials by driving a higher percentage of recycled content in products.
The GRS certification also provides assurance for retailers and consumers that products are being made in a more sustainable way. The standard is managed with input from key stakeholders such as recyclers, suppliers, brands, and retailers all over the world.
GRS verifies that recycled materials are used, and it also tracks responsible production methods. Companies must demonstrate a chain of custody, and obtain certification from a professional third party that audits and validates each step of the supply chain.
Products that have earned a GRS certification can include the GRS logo on their products to let consumers know the items have been sustainably produced.
brrr° has enjoyed GRS certification for many years through our mill partners, and now we also have a direct GRS certification for both brrr° recycled nylon and brrr° recycled polyester yarns.
brrr° is committed to reducing our environmental footprint as we develop and produce advanced cooling fabric technology in more sustainable ways so we can divert materials from landfills and make a minimal impact on local and global ecosystems.
brrr° offers several recycled cooling yarn options in both recycled nylon and recycled polyester, as well as recycled nylon/polyester blends. brrrº cooling technology includes natural cooling minerals, active wicking, and rapid drying to provide instant and continuous cooling to keep any lifestyle comfortable.
GRS certification is important to us, and it’s one of many ways we show our customers that we’re a responsible citizen and committed to protecting our planet. Learn more about brrr° recycled cooling yarns.